Free Google Maps Listing

We know that you may not have the time to list your clinic on your own, so we’re making a Google Maps Listing service available free of charge for all Fertility Clinics.

Simply fill in the required information in the form below and we’ll set up your Google Business Account as well as list your Clinic in Google Maps.

The first step is setting up a Gmail account for your clinic and sending us the user name and password as this will enable us to set up your Google Maps Listing.

The sign up process is straight-forward and easy, please go to

Here you can fill in the convenient 9-field form:

1. Your Name
2. Last Name
3. User Name (yourbusinessname)
4. Password (use letters upper and lower case, numbers and special characters)
5. Birthday
6. Gender
7. Mobile Number
8. Current Email Address
9. Location

Once you submit the form, Google sends you an SMS to verify the account and once verified your account is active.

Once completed, please send the account login details to us so we can set up your Google Maps listing:

Your contact details are be 100% confidential and protected from third parties and you can unsubscribe easily at any time.